Performax Labs: SlinMax, 120 Capsules
SlinMax is definitely not your average muscle builder and is unique in its ability to work with the most anabolic hormone in your body, Insulin. SlinMax works as an insulin mimetic while also boosting insulin production and increasing insulin sensitivity. Insulin is high synergistic with Androgens, Growth Hormone, IGF and other hormones that effect muscle growth and through this synergism SlinMax can have extremely impressive effects on muscle growth, size, vascularity and even weight loss!
Na-R-ALA is a salt form or R-ALA that drastically increases both stability and absorption and is known for its effects as a nutrient partitioner. Na-R-ALA is not only a very potent anti-oxidant it also is great at lowering blood glucose and increasing muscle glycogen storage through its ability to recruit glucose transporter GLUT-4!
Agmatine Sulfate is incredibly well known for its ability to increase Nitric Oxide and enhance the ‘pump’ but what most don’t know is that Agmatine can also improve insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue. It is believe Agmatine can promote the release of b-endorphin that can remove glucose from the blood and increase its storage in muscle tissue producing muscular fullness and nutrient uptake!
Berberine HCL is a very exciting compound as there is solid human evidence proving its efficiency and ability to increase glucose disposal. Berberine has the unique effect of increasing AMPK, short for AMP Activated Protein Kinase which regulates insulin and glucose transport. When AMPK is activated glucose can be taken up into muscle cells through GLUT-4 transporter.
Banaba(2% Corosolic Acid) is synergistic with Berberine with its ability to also increase GLUT-4 translocation and glucose uptake. However Corsolic Acid also may have the unique ability to act as an agonist of the insulin receptor, directly activating the insulin receptor itself. Banaba extract is also included in this product as it seems to contain compounds that may reduce fat cell proliferation thereby allowing SlinMax to have a more direct effect on muscle tissue and reduce the risk of fat gain.
4-hydroxyisoluecine is a natural constituent of Trigeonella Seed, also known as Fenugreek. Fenugreek is well known for its effects on Testosterone production however it’s also been shown 4-hydroxyisoluecine, almost soley found in Fenugreek, can increase insulin secretion and help reduce blood glucose levels. As well it can help regulate healthy glucose metabolism and increase insulin sensitivity as well as post-meal glucose tolerance!
Black Pepper Extract is known for its ability to inhibit enzymes that could degrade or breakdown certain compounds. Black Pepper Extract was included to increase bioavailability of co-ingested ingredients and specifically help the proper absorption of ingredients like Berberine, leading to a greater effect and less side effects associated with poor intestinal uptake.
Directions: Consume 2 capsules 10-20 minutes before a meal containing 50-100g of Carbohydrates twice per day, seperated by 6-8 hours. Preferrably one does should be consumed with per workout meal. For weight loss user's should consume 1 capsule 10-20 minutes before a mean containing at least 25g Crabohydrates 2-4 times per day.
Warning: Not for use of persons under the age of 18. Do not use if you are currently breast feeding, pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Keep out of reach of children. Consult your doctor prior to use if you have any medical conditions or if you are taking any other medications. Discontinue use immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, vomiting or other similar symptoms.