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SNS: Huperzine A 99%, 120 Capsules

SNS: Huperzine A 99%, 120 Capsules

  • $15.95
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Short & Long Term Memory Support*

Powerful Nootropic Properties*

Huperzine A 99% contains 100 mcg of 99% Huperzine A Extract per capsule.

Huperzine A 99% can be cost effectively used to help enhance short and long term memory through boosting Acetylcholine (Ach) levels. Ach is the main neurotransmitter in the brain involved with memory.

Huperzine A 99% is Commonly Used for:

  • Short & Long Term Memory Support*
  • Supporting Maximized Learning Potential*
  • Supporting Brain Function*
Stacking & Synergy: 

SNS Huperzine A 99% can be stacked with SNS Choline Citrate, PEA-500 Xtreme, or other select SNS products for improved, synergistic results.